Perhaps you're like me:
Do you believe that it should be your decision how best to provide for your family's healthcare?
Do you believe that conventional health insurance is too expensive and too impersonal?
Do you believe there should be affordable medical care for you and your family?
I believe all these things. That's why I was very happy to discover that there is an excellent alternative to conventional health insurance, called Healthcare Sharing Ministries (HSMs).
I plan to discuss this topic in much more depth in future blog entries. But as a starting point, here are some of the benefits of healthcare sharing ministries:
1. Belonging to an HSM will immediately exempt you from Obamacare and the highly punitive Obamacare penalty. More on this in the next blog entry.
2. Most will pay substantially less compared to conventional health insurance.
3. You will become part of a personal and caring network of fellow members.
4. Access to a vast network of doctors.
5. A convenient system where bills are automatically submitted for payment.
The reason this site is called "MediShare Reviews" is because the particular HSM my wife and I joined is called MediShare, and we have loved it so far. I would like to find and publish others' experiences with MediShare and compile many reviews. So please get in touch if you're also a member.
The other goal of this blog will be to discuss other HSMs and alternatives to conventional health insurance. I hope you keep reading!