My wife recently gave birth to our second child. We did a home birth with midwives, and as a slight aside, I would highly recommend considering that route if you anticipate a low-risk pregnancy. Home births are more comfortable, treat pregnancy/birth as a significant family event rather than a purely medical one, have lower c-section rates, and tend to be much less expensive.
Whether you choose to consider the home birth option or go the traditional hospital route, the process is similar in terms of billing.
You begin by letting Medi-Share know that the mother is pregnant.
Medi-Share sends you a Maternity Packet and sets up a call to discuss any questions you have on how billing works.
As you go along, bills are sent directly to Medi-Share. This includes blood work, ultrasounds, and the global bill at the end.
They negotiate the best discount they can, and you'll then receive a bill for the remainder if you're under your AHP (deductible). Otherwise they pay the bill for you.
The baby is automatically a member from birth so long as the parents are members. The only thing you need to do is fill out a form at some point in the month after the birth.
The amount you pay per month will increase if it's your first child, and usually stay the same if it's your second or more child.
I've talked elsewhere in this blog about Medi-Share's negotiation of discounts for member bills, and it's impressive. All bills show up as soon as Medi-Share receives them in your online member's portal. The bill below is an example. It's for a lot of the early blood tests including a Complete Blood Count from Quest Diagnostics which is part of the PHCS network.
Medi-Share also has a dedicated Maternity department that is very knowledgeable and has exceptional customer service. They are always happy to answer your questions.
If you have any questions on Medi-Share and Maternity, or Christian home births generally, please feel free to post them here. For us it was another outstanding experience having a child as members.