Overall, we here at Medi-Share Reviews are happy with this change. Insurance should be a decision made by the individual and family. For most, it will make sense to pay a fixed amount each month in exchange for having unexpected medical bills paid or shared. But in a free country, you should have the right to purchase or decline any service. Forcing people to buy something they don't want is not the right solution.
With that said, the individual mandate was how my family and I found Medi-Share. We were going without any insurance when we could no longer afford it. We didn't want to pay the Obamacare penalty though, and that was when we discovered we could pay 60% less as Medi-Share members relative to traditional insurance. At this point, whether the individual mandate stays or goes, we will always stay happy Medi-Share members.
What should follow up the removal of the individual mandate is making healthcare affordable again. Opaque pricing, short hospital visits that costs thousands of dollars, and poor customer service should be made relics of the past. The way to do that is by embracing a free market. Stop artificially limiting the supply of doctors and move to a completely free healthcare market where consumers and healthcare providers interact on a voluntary basis.
Until that happens, individual mandate or not, we will be sticking with Medi-Share and hope that you and your family find the solution that best meets your needs as well.